Advanced Search Results

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Advanced Search Results

Fred Suffridge
There are 117 PCT patents selected by the following advanced search:

dp/16.06.2011 and (ic/e21b* or ic/g01v* or ic/b63b* or ic/c09k* or
ic/f16l* or ic/f25j* or ic/f17c*)

Unfortunately, the system does not allow pagination through the 117
results.  When the resulting selections are less than 50 patents,
pagination is allowed.  Is there a problem?

Fred Suffridge

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Re: Advanced Search Results

This is a bug. If you enter you query like that:
dp/20110616 and (ic/e21b* or ic/g01v* or ic/b63b* or ic/c09k* or
ic/f16l* or ic/f25j* or ic/f17c*)

then it work fine.
Anyway your query can be rewritten to the equivalent:
dp/20110616 and (ic/e21b or ic/g01v or ic/b63b or ic/c09k or
ic/f16l or ic/f25j or ic/f17c)
