Cannot load pages from the "Documents" tab

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Cannot load pages from the "Documents" tab

I wanted to download or at least display a document (search report) under the document tab.

However, on the machine I am working on, I see nothing but the header line ("Full document" ... <<< 0/6 Go >> Biblio ISR ISR)

It is not possible to let the server display anything than this headerline.

On another machine (Android 4.0), using same URL, a hint is displayed "Fehlendes Plugin Für Info klicken".

The first machine is at my employer's site, a high security company. It is very difficult to get any configuration stuff changed.

- provide me with the complete information as to what you present on your site

Then I'll try to talk to our IT department.

thx i @vance
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Re: Cannot load pages from the "Documents" tab

What's the document id?
