Captcha despite logging in

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Captcha despite logging in


I created an account with Patentscope so that I would not be hit with repeated captcha requests whenever traffic to the site is heavy. Recently, I have been required to complete captcha verification despite being logged in to my account. What's worse is that sometimes--like now--the system does not recognize my entries. Consequently, I get stuck in an endless loop of captchas, and am never able to access the records I need.

Any suggestions about how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated. I am an external contractor for WIPO, and this problem is preventing me from completing WIPO assignments in a timely manner.

Thank you!
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Re: Captcha despite logging in

All issues related to captcha verification have now been solved; please try again and let us know if the problem persists.
Best regards
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Re: Captcha despite logging in

No issues during the past ten days, so it looks like everything is good. Thank you!