Complex Query illogical results

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Complex Query illogical results


ich would like to make a query which is rather complex with many OR expressions. Unfortunately I only get 3 results.
When I make the query shorter I get more results (64,783) although it should logically give me less results:

Complex query:
(“Additive Manufacturing“ OR “3d printing“ OR “3d printer“ OR “additive fabrication“ OR “additive processes“ OR “additive techniques“ OR “additive layer manufacturing“ OR “freeform fabrication“ OR “Solid Freeform Fabrication“ OR “Powder bed fusion“ OR “Selective laser sintering“ OR  “selective laser melting“ OR “Direct Metal Laser Sintering“ OR “Laser Cusing“ OR “Electron beam melting“ OR “Direct Energy deposition“ OR “Laser engineered net shaping“ OR “directed light fabrication“ OR “Direct Energy deposition“ OR “Laser engineered net shaping“ OR “directed light fabrication“ OR “direct metal deposition“ OR “laser cladding“ OR “laser based metal deposition“ OR “Laser Metal Deposition“ OR “Laser Deposition Technology“ OR “electron beam direct Manufacturing“ OR“cold spray“ OR “thermal spray“ OR “Sheet lamination“ OR “Ultrasonic additive manufacturing“ OR “Ultrasonic Consolidation“) AND (metal OR ceramics OR CoCr OR cobalt?chromium OR CoCrMo OR Titan OR TiAl64V OR Ti-6Al-4V OR Ti*6Al*7Nb OR steel OR 1.2709 OR 1.4404 OR 1.2344 OR 1.4540 OR 1.4542 OR AlSi12 OR AlSi10Mg OR AlSi7Mg OR AlSi9Cu3 OR AlMg4.5Mn0.4 OR aluminium OR aluminum OR nickel OR Hastelloy OR 2.4665 OR Inconel OR In625 OR In718 OR In939 OR In738 OR Ti6AlAV OR Ti4 OR ASTM F75 OR 316L OR GP1 OR PH1 OR 17-4PH OR Ti6Al4V OR Al2O3 OR TiO2 OR ceramic)

Short Query:
(“Additive Manufacturing“ OR “thermal spray“ OR “Sheet lamination“ OR “Ultrasonic additive manufacturing“ OR “Ultrasonic Consolidation“) AND (metal OR ceramics)

Do you have an explanation? Can the search engine handle only a few search terms?
Thank you very much!

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Re: Complex Query illogical results


It is because you are using the wrong quotation marks in your query. I corrected your query and retrieved over 190,000 results:

("Additive Manufacturing" OR "3d printing" OR "3d printer" OR "additive fabrication" OR "additive processes" OR "additive techniques" OR "additive layer manufacturing" OR "freeform fabrication" OR "Solid Freeform Fabrication" OR "Powder bed fusion" OR "Selective laser sintering" OR  "selective laser melting" OR "Direct Metal Laser Sintering" OR "Laser Cusing" OR "Electron beam melting" OR "Direct Energy deposition" OR "Laser engineered net shaping" OR "directed light fabrication" OR "Direct Energy deposition" OR "Laser engineered net shaping" OR "directed light fabrication" OR "direct metal deposition" OR "laser cladding" OR "laser based metal deposition" OR "Laser Metal Deposition" OR "Laser Deposition Technology" OR "electron beam direct Manufacturing" OR "cold spray" OR "thermal spray" OR "Sheet lamination" OR "Ultrasonic additive manufacturing" OR "Ultrasonic Consolidation") AND (metal OR ceramics OR CoCr OR cobalt?chromium OR CoCrMo OR Titan OR TiAl64V OR Ti-6Al-4V OR Ti*6Al*7Nb OR steel OR 1.2709 OR 1.4404 OR 1.2344 OR 1.4540 OR 1.4542 OR AlSi12 OR AlSi10Mg OR AlSi7Mg OR AlSi9Cu3 OR AlMg4.5Mn0.4 OR aluminium OR aluminum OR nickel OR Hastelloy OR 2.4665 OR Inconel OR In625 OR In718 OR In939 OR In738 OR Ti6AlAV OR Ti4 OR ASTM F75 OR 316L OR GP1 OR PH1 OR 17-4PH OR Ti6Al4V OR Al2O3 OR TiO2 OR ceramic)