Difference between simple search and browse by week?????

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Difference between simple search and browse by week?????

Rajesh Acharya
I am confused due to Total data containing by "Simple Search" option and "Browse by week" option ; So please can any one explain me which one is proper to search and what are difference between both links ???

Thanking you in advance
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Re: Difference between simple search and browse by week?????

Dear Rajesh,

The "Browse by week" function is mostly used to have a quick access to all PCT applications newly published on each publication day. It is not a search function but is has some column sorting capabilities that can be of use.

On the contrary, the "Simple Search" option allows you to search the whole database, not only the PCT applications published in a given week. It gives you search functions like keyword search, IPC search, .... which are not available in the "Browse by week".

I hope it helps,

