How to combine a date search (either week or month) with an IC search?

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How to combine a date search (either week or month) with an IC search?

On the old interface, I used to be able to put in "C01B* OR C01C* OR C01D* OR C01F* OR C01G* OR C02F* OR C04B* OR C05B* OR C05C* OR C05D* OR C05F* OR C05G* or C22B* OR C22C* OR C22F* OR C21B* OR C21D* OR C23F* OR C25B* OR C25C* OR C25D* OR C25F*" to search on the front page and then picked a specific week. I have looked at the help and the FAQs for the new interface and can't figure out how to do this. I can only get it take one IC code at a time. This would take too long.  Is there a way to do this on the new interface?

Also, in your help with the DP field, it would be helpful if you used an example with a day higher than 12, so that it is immediately obvious which is the month and which is the day in the example such as: DP:01.01.2000->01.01.2001. It would be better if it were 01.04.2000->30.04.2000.

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Re: How to combine a date search (either week or month) with an IC search?


You can enter:
IC:(C01B OR C01C OR C01D OR C01F OR C01G OR C02F OR C04B OR C05B OR C05C OR C05D OR C05F OR C05G)

(You may prefer the ICI field if you want to restrict to the inventive IPC codes).

Using the advanced search, you can add a filter on the publication date as follows:

 IC:(C01B OR C01C OR C01D OR C01F OR C01G OR C02F OR C04B OR C05B OR C05C OR C05D OR C05F OR C05G) AND DP:01.04.2000->30.04.2000

Thanks for your suggestion on the help.

I hope it helps,

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Re: How to combine a date search (either week or month) with an IC search?

Yes, that helps enormously. Thanks very much.