On the old interface, I used to be able to put in "C01B* OR C01C* OR C01D* OR C01F* OR C01G* OR C02F* OR C04B* OR C05B* OR C05C* OR C05D* OR C05F* OR C05G* or C22B* OR C22C* OR C22F* OR C21B* OR C21D* OR C23F* OR C25B* OR C25C* OR C25D* OR C25F*" to search on the front page and then picked a specific week. I have looked at the help and the FAQs for the new interface and can't figure out how to do this. I can only get it take one IC code at a time. This would take too long. Is there a way to do this on the new interface?
Also, in your help with the DP field, it would be helpful if you used an example with a day higher than 12, so that it is immediately obvious which is the month and which is the day in the example such as: DP:01.01.2000->01.01.2001. It would be better if it were 01.04.2000->30.04.2000.