Int. Appl. Number misnamed?

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Int. Appl. Number misnamed?

H. Schiller
The German language version of Patentscope's "Bibliographic data" tab for WO/2005/099254 shows the Int'l Application Number, namely PCT/EP2005/002965, under a heading "Internationale Veröffentlichungsnummer". Shouldn't this rather be called "Internationale _Anmelde_ nummer"?
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Re: Int. Appl. Number misnamed?

H. Schiller
Actually, it seems to not depend on the case. I tried a few other WO numbers: The german language version always mis-names the int'l application number as "Internationale Veröffentlichungsnummer" (int'l publication number).
Could it really be that nobody noticed this before me???
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Re: Int. Appl. Number misnamed?

Thank you for drawing our attention to this mistake; we'll correct it asp