Is there such a time-lag for the searching database?

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Is there such a time-lag for the searching database?

I search a patent by Application date, LEGAL Representative Name and Country on Advanced Search, "Patent A" does not appear on the result list.
However, when I search "Patent A" by its International application number on Simple search, it appears.

I wonder if there is such a time-lag for the database only when you search by the terms and dates.etc?
Because in this case, "Patent A" is published on September 22, 2016 when I searched it on October 05, 2016.

If so, I would like to know the follows.
1. Where can I see the update information?
2. How long does it take for us to be able to search from full information such as LEGAL Representative?

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Re: Is there such a time-lag for the searching database?

There is no delay. There might be an error in the syntax of your query in the Advanced search interface.