Lack of sequence data e.g. WO 20012/001000A1

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Lack of sequence data e.g. WO 20012/001000A1

Sometimes the sequence data are not published - and sometimes the data file is in an inconvenient format (graphic type - not text). Any reason for this?
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Re: Lack of sequence data e.g. WO 20012/001000A1

Dear Bo,

Even if there is a recommended WIPO standard for sequence listings (ST.25), it is not mandatory to use it when applying for a PCT application that includes a sequence listing. As a result, the sequence listings are published in PATENTSCOPE in the variety of formats they are received from the applicants.

However, all sequence listings should be published, exception for mega sequence listings that need to be requested ad hoc to the International Bureau.

Concerning your example, WO2012/001000, there seems to be a mistake. I will liaise with the PCT publication service to check out and let you know.

Best regards,

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Re: Lack of sequence data e.g. WO 20012/001000A1

Dear Bo,

There is no problem with this example. It is not possible to open it as a pdf from PATENTSCOPE because it does not contain any TIFF image. You can only download it and open it with any software that can decompress zip files (it contains a text file with the sequence listing).

I hope this helps,

Best regards,
