National phase entry links are not useful enough

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National phase entry links are not useful enough

The example is about WO2005123234.

There is a link to CN National Number but it only leads us to "This page can’t be displayed."
If the hyperlinks are set, I hope they are surely linked to the very patents page of SIPO.

And I can't understand why national numbers of JP/US are not linked to patent offices. The two offices have top class patent applications in the world, and entries into JP/US national phase occurs frequently. So searching JPO/USPTO every time is quite wasting our resources. I hope the direct links are set immeiately.

Thanks and regards,
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Re: National phase entry links are not useful enough

We provide links to national databases; however if there are connection issues, it is beyond our control. The reason why there are no hyperlinks to US and Japanese databases is because the US and Japan do not authorize hyperlinks.