National phase tab 'greyed out'

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National phase tab 'greyed out'

On a couple of occasions I have checked the national phase tab of a PCT application and it has been populated, and then I have checked the same PCT a few days later and the National Phase tab has been greyed out. Upon checking a week later, it is back again! Any idea why it disappears and reappears? Latest example is WO1996009315 (present today and before Christmas, but was greyed out yesterday). Many thanks.
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Re: National phase tab 'greyed out'

This is not normal, we will investigate. Thank you for letting us know.

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Re: National phase tab 'greyed out'

Could you let me have an e-mail address so that I could send a screen shot please? I have had another case of this happening in the last week. WO1993013806. Thanks.