PDF error

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PDF error


I have a problem with pdf files downloaded from Patentscope. It looks like the pdf files do not contain any data because the size is 0kb. I tried downloading with two different browsers, MS IE and Google Chrome, but the result was the same.

Is there any problem with your server system?

Do I need to tell you a specific publication number related to the downloaded pdfs for asking you to check them?

Best regards,

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Re: PDF error


I tried to open some pdfs and it worked fine so maybe there is an issue with this specific application you are referring to, please give us the number so that we can check. Many thanks
Best regards
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Re: PDF error


I'm also having a problem with viewing and downloading pdf files from Patentscope.
I cannot open pdfs only in "Related Documents on file at the International Bureau," there is nothing wrong with other documents such as International Application Status Report or Initial Publication.

I have tried with several applications but they came into the same result.
All computers in my office seem to have the same problem.
We are using Windows 7, MS IE9 or Google Chrome, and Adobe Reader XI.

I apprecieate your kind help.
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Re: PDF error

In reply to this post by Sandrine
Thank you for your reply.

What I tried is:

1. Searched for WO2013/093795 on PATENTSCOPE.
2. Clicked the link of WO2013093795 to open it.
3. Clicked the Documents tab.
4. Clicked PDF(1p.) in the first row of the Related Documents on file at the International Bureau.
5. The web page (pdf) seemed to be loaded but it was just a gray page.

I can download and open the ZIP(XML + TIFFs) in the right most cell.

Best regards,

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Re: PDF error


We just tried and the document was fine. Please try again and let us know if the problem persists. Best regards
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Re: PDF error

Hello, Sandrine,

Was something fixed?
Anyway, I could access the pdf files.

Thank you.
