I'm working on collecting PCT-related data for a patent search from PatentScope for my boss. After submitting about 40 or so queries to PS using the Permalink format (i.e.,
http://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/<insert your WIPO Pub. # here>), I start seeing an error saying "There was an error with your request. Please retry later."
OK, so I wait a few minutes and then try to resume my data collection only to see the same message over and over again. As far as I can tell, waiting an hour seems to restore my ability to retrieve another 40 or so PCTs before I get the same error message, but I've got many PCTs to collect and at this rate, it will take a long time to retrieve all the data.
So can you answer the following questions:
a) what's the minimum amount of time I have to wait until I can "retry later" and get PCT data successfully?
b) am I doing anything wrong by submitting my searches to PS using the Permalink format? (e.g., the server doesn't like these submissions)