Priority document

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Priority document

I would like to know why the priority document for WO2011092140 is not available through Patentscope.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Priority document

I suppose you got the robot view where the priority data is not available.
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Re: Priority document

Could you explain what is this "robot view" and how can I have access to the priority document?

Thank you!
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Re: Priority document

The PATENTSCOPE system has a protection against heavy usages generated by programs (robots). If an individual IP address performs too many requests in a short time, it is put in a list. All queries coming from IP addresses of this list get simpler responses which are less intensive to generate. This allows to share at best the available hardware ressources among all users. The list is emptied regularly (at list once a week).

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Re: Priority document

Thanks, Christophe!

However, I have asked several colleagues who do not use this database to search this information, and none of them is able to see the priority document.
Do you know whom should I contact in order that this document is uploaded in the database?
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Re: Priority document

Am I understanding correctly that you are looking for a given priority document for a given PCT application? It happens from time to time that the International Bureau of the PCT has not received a priority document from the applicant and it is then missing.

If this is the case, please send an email to specifying the PCT number with a priority document missing. This will trigger some internal investigations and you should get more information.

Best regards,

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Re: Priority document

Thank you, Christophe!
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Re: Priority document

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