Problem with searches

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Problem with searches

Alice Boainain-Schneider
Previously, I could open a document found during a search, then return to the search results page, as many times as needed. Now, this is no longer possible, and in fact, it is often no longer possible to return to the search results page even after opening a single document. I am returned to a different page, or I am asked to resend the data, and even that does not always work. I end up needing to start a new search. Is there any way of avoiding this? Thanks
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Re: Problem with searches

Dear Alice,

In order to investigate the problem, we would need a bit more information:

(1) what operating system are you using?
(2) which browser and which version of browser are you using?
(3) can you give us an example of faulty navigation with your search query and specifying which document you opened and how?

Can you please send to us this information in an email to

Thanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenience,


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Re: Problem with searches

In reply to this post by Alice Boainain-Schneider
See if your browser is accepting cookies from WIPO's site; consult your browser's help file to see where this setting is. My guess is that PS stores this information in a cookie, but if your browser isn't accepting cookies then you'll have the problems you describe.