If I do a search with the query FP:(rp:D Young), i.e. searching for applications where "D Young" (or at least "D" and "Young") appear in the Representative Name field, one of the results I get is this application:
http://www.wipo.int/patentscope/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2010147489For which the agent details are:
"Agent: ADAMS, Matthew, D; A J Park 6th Floor Huddart Parker Building PO Box 949 Wellington, 6015 (NZ)"
which contains "D" but doesn't contain "Young".
However, the inventor details are:
"Inventors: YOUNG, Robert Peter; (NZ)"
So it seems that the "Young" hit has come from the Inventor name field, whilst the "D" hit has come from the Agent name field.
Is there some way to ensure that this "cross pollution" doesn't happen and hits are only returned where the search criteria are strictly interpreted?