Searching by publication language

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Searching by publication language

Bruce P.
I was trying to search for PCT publications in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. When I used CN, JP and KR as the search term I got ZERO hits! I looked in vain for a list of the language abbreviations. The help screen which gave an example of "JA or EN" gave me a hint that WIPO was using its own abbreviations. So I tried "KO" for Korean and that worked. I then tried "CH" for Chinese. Nothing! Searching around the web via Google I finally found some reference (not from WIPO!) that related "ZH" to Chinese.

It would be nice if WIPO had a link to a list of language search terms right from the searching screen!
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Re: Searching by publication language

Dear Bruce,

Indeed, the information is difficult to find in the documentation. We use WIPO standard ST36 for PATENTSCOPE ( that says:

51. The lang attribute normally contains a two-letter code based on ISO standards for the language of the content of the element to which it is attached. In cases where the two-letter code is not adequate, offices are encouraged to follow the conventions established by the Internet Engineering Task Force and described in Tags for the Identification of Languages(

The ISO two letter code standard (ISO 639-1) is quite well known (see

Best regards,
