Some Patents are showing blank

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Some Patents are showing blank

Manish Saraswat
Dear Sir,

 I was searching my inventions and I got an error message specifying that database could not upload China and now some patents are coming blank on IPTO website. Please check and tell us that what is the mistake. It can be a dirty fellowism from China.

Best Regards,
Manish Saraswat
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Re: Some Patents are showing blank

There is no issue with the Chinese collection in PATENTSCOPE; if the issue is in the IPTO website, please contact their support for assistance.
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Re: Some Patents are showing blank

Manish Saraswat
Dear Sir,

 Now some patent's descriptions are also having changes in some inventions. Please check who is doing this dirty fellow work for stealing inventions ? It can be China.

Best Regards,
Manish Saraswat
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Re: Some Patents are showing blank

Manish Saraswat
I am not saying about technical problem, I am complaining about stealing by Chinese government by changing abstracts, descriptions and claims of inventions.

Manish Saraswat
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Re: Some Patents are showing blank

Manish Saraswat
Previously in year 2006 patent officer of patent office of Indian Institute of Science Bangalore Karnataka India was also doing the same thing for stealing inventions.