Unable to view images in "Full Text" view

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Unable to view images in "Full Text" view


For several weeks now, I have been unable to view any of the drawings that would normally follow the claims of an application in the "Full Text" tab. Every image appears blank, with just a broken image icon. This problem occurs for every application I view, in both Chrome and Firefox and regardless whether I am logged in or not. I am able to view the drawings in the "Drawings" tab, but unfortunately those are often too small or distorted to be of much use.

Since no one else has posted about this, it seems likely that the problem is on my end, but if anyone on the WIPO side has any ideas about what might be causing this problem, I would be much obliged to hear them.

Thank you!

All the best,
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Re: Unable to view images in "Full Text" view

The issue has been fixed; if you still have it on your side, please let us know
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Re: Unable to view images in "Full Text" view

Unfortunately, I am still experiencing the same issue.
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Re: Unable to view images in "Full Text" view

Have you done ctrl-F5 (refresh)? if not, please do it and if the problem persists, please send us at patentscope@wipo.int your IP address, urls you're trying to visualize and the time at which it failed so that we can check in the logs.