WIPO machine translation & equations

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WIPO machine translation & equations

Kristin Whitman
I have some feedback on the WIPO machine translate function as it worked in relation to the Description section of WO 2014/038294 A1.

At paragraph [0020] there is a formula included.  After WIPO translate ran on the text, this formula's subscripts and symbols were not preserved, destroying the meaning of the formula. In this particular instance it rendered the machine translation unusable for our purposes.

If the machine translation could be tweaked so that subscripts were preserved, that would be ideal.  It's always possible to copy/paste formulas back in, but in this case I did not notice until it was too late. Thank you for providing this service!!!
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Re: WIPO machine translation & equations

Thank you for your feedback.

We are aware that this is problematic and really want to address the problem: we are facing technical difficulties to include images and text style during translation but we are confident that we will find a solution a future version (that we will make available on Patentscope).

Best regards