Wrong applicant and inventor displaying for EP2318809

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Wrong applicant and inventor displaying for EP2318809

John Gray, Murgitroyd & Company
Searching for patents of UK Meter Assets, we shoudl find EP2318809 and it appears in the result list. Click into the record gives the right patent, but wrong data in Applicant and Inventor fields (applicant Isis Pharmaceuticals & inventor Miner).

Follow link http://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=EP20742842

We are reprentatievs for the applicant/proprietor. Please can you fix this asap.  

John Gray
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Re: Wrong applicant and inventor displaying for EP2318809

Dear Mr Gray,

We have experienced a data corruption in one of our publication processes for national collections and would like to thank you for your feedback that have allowed us to quickly resolve the situation. This could have stayed unnoticed much longer!

Best regards,
