number of documents decrease on saved queries

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number of documents decrease on saved queries

Alice Machado
I am saving queries and when I re-open the saved querie the number of documents reduce (even if my search returned less than 100 documents). Is there an explanation for this?

Also, as a comment, though the platform is great for carrying the seraches (for the possibilities it has), it is still too slow and keeps crashing...
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Re: number of documents decrease on saved queries

Can you send me your saved queries? Concerning the response time can you give me your location and more or less the time when you work on the system.

For 2013 we plan to greatly improve the response time all over the planet.

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Re: number of documents decrease on saved queries

Alice Machado
The query was:
CL:((leishmani* or protozoa* or kinetoplastid) and treat*) OR
AB:((leishmani* or protozoa* or kinetoplastid) and treat*) AND
DE:leishmani* AND IC:A61K AND AD:2010. It returns 23 documents.

I saved the query. When I re-open the saved query on the
patentscope interface, it gives me 17 patent applications instead of 23
(though the 23 are in the saved document if I open it). How can I send the queries to you?

My location is Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I havent been working on the system
so often because I tend to prefer espacenet as it is quicker and gives less
error messages when loading the searches. If it worked better I would use
it from 9am to 6 pm, brazilian time.

Also, downloading only 100 documents is still a hassle for users. If
possible it would be better to increase this number, so we don't have to
split the search by year to reduce the total number of documents retrieved
and compile all the documents together afterwards.
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Re: number of documents decrease on saved queries

I am getting the same number of results i.e. 23, maybe you specified other search criteria in your saved query.
Regarding the response time from Brazil maybe you could consider giving a try to the mobile interface of PATENTSCOPE which is much lighter in terms of auxiliary files download.
