use of NPE tab and accessing EPO registration

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use of NPE tab and accessing EPO registration

I tried to access the EPO registration from the NPE tab on this site.  Even though the registration number is blue, indicating that you can access the records, it talks about an invalid certificate.  This information is public and i can access it via  But while in the WIPO site, it would be nice to have direct access to the EPO.  It works for the other countries that show up in the same manner. Any idea why it won't work?
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Re: use of NPE tab and accessing EPO registration

Hi Joe,

It seems the EPO has not renewed a security certificate for their server. If you can click on "continue", the page correctly opens from the EPO server, you just don't have a 100% confidence that the HTML really comes from the EPO server.

I hope it helps,

