wrong search results

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wrong search results

Lilia Safonov
Result for a search of PCT application number PCT/US2011/064881 came as a publication number having identical last 5 digits (WO/2012/064881) and a totally different PCT application number. Obvioulsy the application and publication numbers got mixed up. Please correct.
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Re: wrong search results

Actually this is a feature and not a bug. The front page field is meant to be very resilient in terms of returned results; in order to obtain exact results then you need either to search for "PCT/US2011/064881" or use the ID/Number search form.
Anyway I agree that in this particular case the outcome is confusing and we will implement a better solution in the near future.
Thank you for letting us know,

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Re: wrong search results

Lilia Safonov
Thank you, Iustin. This is exactly what I searched for: "PCT/US2011/064881" and it still came out wrong. i will be waiting for you to correct this particular case so I could get the documents I need. Hope it will not take you long.Have a nice weekend.
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Re: wrong search results

The document PCT/US2011/064881 does not exist. What I meant by confusing is the fact that the system proposes another document completely not related.
Anyway, if you search in Google for the same id they give you the wrong document as well.
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Re: wrong search results

In reply to this post by Iustin
Dear Iustin,

I would like to follow up on the unexpected features (otherwise called bugs) of Patentscope. When searching for the existing PCT application number 2012/001709 in the Simple Search ID/Numbers Search field, I only get the document with the above publication number but not the document with the above application number. The document with the above application number is however in your database and might be retrieved as the first document of the applicant Straumann. Why???

Thank you for an explanation or, even better, a correction of this behavior.

Paul Georg
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Re: wrong search results

Dear Paul,

in order to look up for the PCT application number you always have to stick the 2 letter country code with the year.

For example the following queries are valid:





On the other hand AN:2012/001709 returns 0 records because it misses the EP country code.

About the field names,
ANID stores the exact value i.e. CCYYYYNNNNNN
AN stores variations like CCYYNNN NNNNNN etc..
ALLNUM is a concatenation of AN+WO+PN+ID
FP is a concatenation of ALLNUM +TI+AB+IN+PA

I hope it helps,

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Re: wrong search results

Dear Iustin,

Thank you for your explanations.

I believe it would make sense to mention at least part of it in the box close to the search field ("Examples:")where up to now nothing mentions indicating a country (and I still think, that the search routine could/should be improved to give results without the country).

Best regards,

Paul Georg