Advanced Search

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Advanced Search


I'd like to retrieve all patents

1. with application year 1995
2. registered at the Indian Patent Office (IPO)
3. that were granted by the IPO
4. that belong to IPC classes A61K or C07D

My query is the following:

AD:(1995) AND CTR:(IN) AND GN:[* TO *] AND IC:("A61K" OR "C07D")

However, I am missing at least one patent that fulfills the criteria above (application 188/CAL/1995). The query without the IPC class finds the application 188/CAL/1995. Given that the application 188/CAL/1995 belongs to the IPC class C07D, I am wondering what is wrong here. Does anyone have any thoughts?

Thank you.
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Re: Advanced Search


The reason why this document did not appear in your search result is because this IPC is incorrect.

Using this query: AD:(1995) AND CTR:(IN) AND GN:[* TO *] AND IC_EX:(A61K* OR C07D*) will retrieve it as IC_EX retrieves extact IPC codes.

Best regards