Amount of patents

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Amount of patents


I am a student and need to do a patent research for my university. I found this site and am fascinated about its structure compared to the usual patent databases. But as far as I can see there are only about 8 million patents here. Espacenet has about 72 million patents.
Where are the other 64 million patents? Are the 8 million the latest ones or are they randomly chosen? What I mean is: Are my results representative if I want to describe the development of the last 30 years? Or can I just describe the last 10 years?

Thank you for your help. This page is great! :-)
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Out of Office: Amount of patents

I am currently out of the office and will respond to your e-mail as soon as possible upon my return, Monday, October 10, 2011.

If you have an urgent matter please contact [hidden email] and someone will assist you.

Kind regards,
Sandy Matthes
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
[hidden email]
[hidden email]

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Re: Amount of patents

In reply to this post by Student

PATENTSCOPE does not contain all national patent collections. Details on the coverage can be found at

The US, Japan, China national collections are notably not yet included. However, the number of patents loaded in PATENTSCOPE increases steadily every year and we hope to get a coverage comparable to the great coverage of ESPACENET in the next five years.

Thanks anyway for the positive feedback, I will convey it to the other members of the team,
