Analysis of the results.

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Analysis of the results.

Hi I would like to know how many patents has been published in each year for the last 40 to 50 years for certain sweeteners. However when I do a search and go to the publication date under analysis section only the data for the last 10 years are shown. Is it possible to get the data since 1960/ 1970 to 2013 for example?

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Re: Analysis of the results.

Dear Indika,

You can increase the number of clusters up to 25 by using the options menu (No of Items per group).
Then, you can add a filter to your query and execute it a few times with a different time period to gather the statistics:

AND DP:([01.01.1994 TO 31.12.2013])

AND DP:([01.01.1974 TO 31.12.1993])


Best regards,
