Bilateral Patent Application Numbers

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Bilateral Patent Application Numbers

Hossein Hosseini

I am looking for the number of patent applications between countries (bilateral numbers). For example what was the number of patent applications from France seeking protection in USA in year 2012. I would be much thankful if you help me searching for this data in WIPO.

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Re: Bilateral Patent Application Numbers

The info is available if the patent followed the PCT route and the query is:
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Re: Bilateral Patent Application Numbers

Hossein Hosseini
Thank you Sandrine! Is there a way I can separate the total number of foreign (rest of the world) from domestic applications seeking protection for example in France in 2012?

The problem is for example something like this query in Field Combination gives me nothing:  

Any field:  NPCC:FR
Publication Date: DP:[2012 TO 2013]

Is there a way I can define "the rest of the world"?