Change in LargeResultList in CW27

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Change in LargeResultList in CW27


I regularly download WIPO Large ResultList(10k) each week(typical after WIPO WO-publications on Thursdays).

This week I found in the downloadable EXCEL-list

(a) a change in the format of the provided Excel-List
(in contrast to previous weeks: as additional field:ABSTRACT/
 as lacking fields(columns):  Priority Data,  FP Image

(b) a restriction to 1000 datasets (from 7173 sets in this week) in the file

( I checked my options setting for checking all options possible for the full download)

Did anyone notice to get similar results ??

Adressing to WIPO-Patentscope:

What is the reason behind this?
Will this chnage be continued further on?

How can I get the full LargeResultList(10k) like in the past weeks?

Thanks a lot!

Best regards
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Re: Change in LargeResultList in CW27


It is a bug that we are aware of and will fix asp. Thank you for your patience. Best regards
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Re: Change in LargeResultList in CW27

In reply to this post by keystone74
It has been fixed, please try again and let us know if the issue persists.
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Re: Change in LargeResultList in CW27


Thanks for the fix - now all the records are downloadable

- but sorry to say some changes are still not to the better.

Formatting of IPC --> I P C, Applicants and Inventors have been changed to the use of comma separators dropping the semicolon separation, which is not compatible to the former format and harder to separate.

But this of minor meaning and can be managed.

Best regards