Chem Structure Search Refined to just Claims ?

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Chem Structure Search Refined to just Claims ?

Is there a way to refine the Chemical Structure Search to just the Claims?  The search works beautifully.  I created a mol file in Chem Draw, uploaded, and viola a thousand hits.  I want to focus on the applications that have the small molecule in the Claims Section for obvious reasons.  Is this possible?

Thanks, GC
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Re: Chem Structure Search Refined to just Claims ?


The query is. CHEM:( Inchikey BEFORE10000 description)
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Re: Chem Structure Search Refined to just Claims ?

In reply to this post by GC
I was wondering if you have been able to find a way for limiting the results of the chemical structure search to the claims. Thanks.
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Re: Chem Structure Search Refined to just Claims ?

Please see above:it actually limits to title, abstract and claims, not claims alone... but currently it's the only way to apply some restrictions