Extracting information about PCT application from patentscope

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Extracting information about PCT application from patentscope

Dipak Kokane
I wish to know how one can extract information regarding PCT application from patent scope by entering the PCT application no at some other website. For example www.myipgateway.com has an interface where they can display following information.

No. of Pages:
No. of Words:
No. of Claims:
No. of Independent Claims:
No. of Multiple Dependent Claims:
Entity ( US only):
ISA designated at time of filing PCT:  
PCT Search Report/Written Opinion available?
Kindly guide.
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Re: Extracting information about PCT application from patentscope

You can find in PATENTSCOPE the following information:

No of pages in the Documents tab of the specified application
ISA designated at time of filing PCT:  available in the IASR
written opinion: available as a document listed in the documents tab in PATENTSCOPE

I hope it helps,
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Re: Extracting information about PCT application from patentscope

Dipak Kokane
In reply to this post by Dipak Kokane
I want to know specifically about calculating all those parameters for calculating PCT national phase entry fee. Like no of pages, no of claims, No of Independent claims, ISA, etc.
you can refer www.myipgateway.com and add a pct no which will display the fees for national phase. I also want to know whether patentscope provides an API for this purpose or can one scrap the data from the website as this is publically available website. Will it be legal?.  

Thanks and Best Regards,
Dipak Kokane
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Re: Extracting information about PCT application from patentscope

Thomas Haines
Hi Dipak
As I understand it, your IP will be banned for a period of weeks if you exceed a threshold for queries of PatentScope web service.
I have a solution to your issue, but don't want to post my email publicly.  Please contact me via LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasmhaines>, and we can discuss further.
Best regards,
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Re: Extracting information about PCT application from patentscope

If we detect robot activity on PATENTSCOPE then the ip address is not banned but it's served with limited information.
