Patent Coverage Info

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Patent Coverage Info

In Patentscope => Data Covergae it mentions PCT: 2,526,306 and Offices: 7,279,734 documents.
I was wondering:
- If PATENTSCOPE has actually 37 million docs (as claimed on the web), where can I see the complete coverage?
- Reg: German Collection: Does PATENTSCOPE actually also have german patent collections (DE Docs)?
- Reg: Spanish Collection: PATENTSCOPE says it has 1,426,183 documents, which is substantially more than the database from the Spanish Patent Office offers (INVENES, 1.191.548 documents), do you happen to know why?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Patent Coverage Info


The detailed coverage is available here: 

The German collection should be available in the next few months.

As far as the Spanish collection is concerned, we upload what we receive from the Office
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Re: Patent Coverage Info

Dear Sandrine,
Thanks for the answer, but the coverage webpage you mention is the same I was refering to, and there it says that in total there are 7,2 million documents instead of the 37 million claimed on your homepage.

I am missing for example the US and JP collections in the listing. Did you remove them from Patentscope or is there another reason why they are not listed in the covergae website you mention?
Thanks in advance.  
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Re: Patent Coverage Info

Dear Ben,

No we have not removed the US and JP collections but there is currently an issue with the display of the data coverage information. We are working on fixing it asp. Thank you for your patience. Best regards
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Re: Patent Coverage Info

In reply to this post by Ben
Dear Ben,

The problem has now been fixed. Best regards