Priority document

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Priority document

I have a WO document to analyse. This patent has 4 priority ones in the form of  WOxxxITxxxx and WOxxxxIBxxxx.
I need to know if these priority documents are in force or expired. Can you help me to understand how can I find these priority documents and the informations about them?
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Re: Priority document

In order to determine the current legal status of a national patent application or PCT international patent application that has entered the national phase, it is necessary to refer to the information provided by the competent national authority. A non-exhaustive list of patent databases made available by national offices can be found at:

Through the PATENTSCOPE search service , you can obtain national phase entry data for published international applications including reference numbers for national phase entries. This data can be accessed by selecting the "National Phase" tab from the record view for a particular international application. These reference numbers can be used to assist you in obtaining further status information from the competent national authority. Please also read the restrictions related to the availability of the national phase information in PATENTSCOPE: For example, absence of information does not mean that the application has not been granted anywhere; it means that the information is not currently available.