I have conducted a simple search with one single IPC, and then tried to copy the URL of the RSS-Feed into the respective field of my market intelligence data base. https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/rss.xml?query=(FP:(B60G21))&office=&rss=true&sortOption=Pub Date Desc Unfortunately, the link is not working and the test with "W3C" (=free validation of RSS feeds) showed several problems. https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpatentscope.wipo.int%2Fsearch%2Frss.xml%3Fquery%3DIC%3A%2522B60G21%2522%26office%3D%26rss%3Dtrue%26sortOption%3DPubDateDesc What can I do? Apparently, I have several other RSS-feeds that work fine for my database, so that should not be the problem. On the other side, PatentScope's RSS-feeds are certainly ok in most cases. I'd be very grateful for any advice, BR, Oliver |
Please check the RSS in a browser , Chrome, FF or IE Best regards |
In reply to this post by Oliver
I had already tried that. It works more or less in the IE (more or less because the result shown are rather old and not the latest ones because "the automatic update function is not activated"). But I was told by the support of my database supplier that the Microsoft Internet Explorer is "famous" for showing almost anything and to compensate almost any issue within feeds, its however also "famous" for not following standards set by the RSS task force. ( https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html ) They say, if the RSS feed does not comply with the standards (W3 on the RSS 2.0 standard.), it won't work. https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpatentscope.wipo.int%2Fsearch%2Frss.xml%3Fquery%3DIC%3A%2522B60G21%2522%26office%3D%26rss%3Dtrue%26sortOption%3DPubDateDesc What can we do?? Thank you in advance! BR, Oliver |
In reply to this post by patentscope-wipo
The RSS-feeds from WIPO-Patentscope do not work in my database (while all other RSS-feed are no problem.) Is there anybody I can talk to on the phone for help? Please advise ...!! Best regards, Oliver <nabble_img src="RSS_Feed_Patentscope_B60G21.png" border="0"/ |
Please give us more details such as:
- OS, - database, - version, - query - what exactly the problem is Best regards |
Hi, Thank you for your e-mail. Can I come back to you on Monday? I am not in the office until then. Best regards, Oliver From: patentscope-wipo [via WIPO PATENTSCOPE Forum] <ml+[hidden email]>
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