Results display issue

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Results display issue

Hello. Starting several days ago (roughly around March 1st), the search results for my Patentscope queries began coming up in a strange format that's hard to read. Specifically, I have my Patentscope account set up with "Translator" as the Default Search Form so that the results are displayed in several languages at once. There is always a sizable blank space in the results table on the right side in each entry now (the blank space is under the headings that read "Applicant" and "Inventor"), and the display of the text of the application abstracts is consequently "squeezed" so that all of the abstracts are vertically long but consist of only a few words per line. It would be much easier to explain if I could post a screenshot, but I think you get the idea. It seems like there might have been some adjustment made to the HTML script regarding the table width settings. I would really appreciate it if you could take a look at this as it is making it a bit difficult to read through search results.
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Re: Results display issue

It should work now, thank you for letting us know and sorry bout the inconvenience.

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Re: Results display issue

In reply to this post by Patrick
Thanks for the quick response, Iustin. I just tried a few searches and the results are displaying correctly now.