Text of descriptions & claims now available for the UK collection

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Text of descriptions & claims now available for the UK collection

It is now possible to search keywords in the description and claims of the UK patent records included in PATENTSCOPE: about 2.3 million full text records are searchable, dating back as far as 1859.

The UK national collection was added in August 2015, whereupon patent searches could already be performed on millions of UK bibliographic data records (titles and abstracts), dating from as far back as 1782.

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Re: Text of descriptions & claims now available for the UK collection

bradley sturdevant
How can I talk to the patent holder EP 2048941 A2 regarding using his method of rearing predatory mites?  Thanks
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Re: Text of descriptions & claims now available for the UK collection

In the Documents tab, you will find the pdf of the published application where the representative is listed.
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Re: Text of descriptions & claims now available for the UK collection

In reply to this post by patentscope-wipo
Sir, Is it possible that these patent records include more than one related keywords in its records. I am a digital marketer and I want to know about it. Thanks in advance.