Unable to open document-PDF is "damaged"

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Unable to open document-PDF is "damaged"

I'm trying to open/download the International Preliminary Report on Patentability for PCT/CN2011/070632 and am receiving an error message saying unable to download the file as it is "damaged".  Please fix.  Thank you.
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Re: Unable to open document-PDF is "damaged"

I'm getting the same issue on another case ("Acrobat could not open 'id0000000nnnnnn.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged [etc]...").  Also, when I try to download the ZIP(XML + TIFFs) as an alternative, the server is not responding.
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Re: Unable to open document-PDF is "damaged"

In reply to this post by Jen
We had some technical issues that have been fixed now, please try again and let us know if the problem persists.