Wrong letter display ("ư" instead of "&w;") for some VNmese patent

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Wrong letter display ("ư" instead of "&w;") for some VNmese patent


I found the mistake in display letter "ư" in VNmese. Many abstract display "&w;" instead of "ư".
I checked it in original website and it display is OK.

Please see the attached the Search screen how I made the querry and the Result screen in which letter "&w;" is hightlited.
The captured screen is just an example, pls check all in "Abstract field" in your database
I found the letter "ư" display OK in Title (which I marked in blue)

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Re: Wrong letter display ("ư" instead of "&w;") for some VNmese patent

Thank you for drawing our attention to this issue that has now been fixed. Best regards
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Re: Wrong letter display ("ư" instead of "&w;") for some VNmese patent

In reply to this post by Heronoip
That's perfect. I've check it, all done well