"prev" and "next" button in PATENTSCOPE result page is invalid.

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"prev" and "next" button in PATENTSCOPE result page is invalid.


   When i click the "prev" and "next" button in your PATENTSCOPE result page, it always return the 1st page.

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Re: "prev" and "next" button in PATENTSCOPE result page is invalid.

Thank you for drawing our attention to this issue. While we fix it, please use those same buttons located at the bottom of the page, just below the result list
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Re: "prev" and "next" button in PATENTSCOPE result page is invalid.

In reply to this post by fastM
Not only do the Prev & Next buttons for the pages not work, but:
- when you cycle through the PCTs using the Next & Prev. buttons, some PCTs will be dropped (usually 1 per resultset)
- when you get to the last PCT in the set via the Next button, it will normally be blank and no information will appear; the only workaround is to jump back to the list and click the last entry in the list (which is when you usually find that you've missed 1 PCT because of the above).

Does anyone perform QC checks on the UI? Amateur-level mistakes like these seem to indicate that this is NOT being done...