Searching by PCT Application number

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Searching by PCT Application number

Nancy Burr
The old link does not work any more.  I cannot figure out how to find the application I am looking for.  I question if one can even view the application and that this new interface only will pull up published PCT applications.  Can anyone help here??  I am frustrated by this unfriendly user tool!
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

Could you give us the id of the application that you are looking for. What do you mean by the 'old link'?
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

Nancy Burr
In reply to this post by Nancy Burr
Here is the old link that would allow pulling up the PCT application number and viewing the documents prior to its publication -  At the top of the page one can see:

This page is being phased out of production, but will remain available during the transition to our new system. Please try the new PATENTSCOPE® International and National Collections search page (English only). When I go there, it simply makes no sense at all!!!  

The application that I wanted to review cannot be accessed and it has not published yet. Here is the ID # PCT/US2011/020849.  Any help you can provide will be very appreciated.  Why have they made it next to impossible to search?  
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

Nancy Burr
When I go to the new link and search by the syntax noted below I get 0 results!!

Please check the query syntax:
if you are looking for a WO number then use this format:
WO2010012345 or WO/2010/012345 (note that the WO/2010/12345 is not accepted for the moment)
if you are looking for an application number then use this format:US/2000/000001 or US00/000001 or US2000000001

What gives?  This link doesn't work nor does the old one!  So how can one search an application number then????
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

Not published applications are not viewable via Patentscope neither the new interface nor the old one.
There is an ongoing project in the PCT area that would enable soon this kind of access.
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

Nancy Burr
Can you let me know when non-published PCT applications are going to searchable on this website?  I would really appreciate it.
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

The project is called e-PCT and it enables searching in non published PCT applications only for the originating applicant.
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

Nancy Burr
We are the agent for the applicant that filed the application.  Where is the link for this?  What does one need to enter to get into the search mode?  Your reply is much too vague.  Please be more explicit.  Thank you, Justin.
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

Actually ePCT is still a work in progress, therefore we need to take this offline  and treat it as a personal request, so please send us an email at
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

In reply to this post by Nancy Burr
hi, im searching for pct publication id WO20110551

but cant find it, please help
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Re: Searching by PCT Application number

Here is the right query