Where have all the national documents gone?

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Where have all the national documents gone?

Where have all the national documents gone?

The doc tab is empty for all previous national documents except US and EP.

Any advice on whether they will return?
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Re: Where have all the national documents gone?


Could you please specify what you mean by "all the previous national documents"? Please give us an example. Best regards
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Re: Where have all the national documents gone?

In reply to this post by K.
Some have come back with Brazil, but more countries remain unavailable.

For example, MXGT/A/2006/000021 used to have a document.

It's hard to come up with a complete list of countries, because I am a user. But rest assured, the problem was larger than Brazil.
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Re: Where have all the national documents gone?

There was a temporary problem that has been fixed now. Please try again and let us know if the problem persists. Best regards
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Re: Where have all the national documents gone?

That helped quite a bit, Thanks!

Finally, how about this one? VN0250 or similar...

It has a document tab, but no documents listed.

Are they lurking somewhere, or just not in the database?
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Re: Where have all the national documents gone?

To check the content of the database, please go to the Help menu, data coverage, national collections: http://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/help/data_coverage.jsf

As far as the Vietnamese collection is concerned, the database doesn't include documents: the column "doc images" showing statistics for the data in the Documents tab is empty.

We hope it helps
Best regards